Most entrepreneurs are used to living and breathing their business, but neglecting yourself can quickly turn into a false economics. By dedicating time to your number one, you prepare your mind, your body, and your soul. You can then act with calm focus and confidence in all aspects of your life. You can make your entire day a series rituals to help you succeed in every sphere. Try these tips to avoid burnout. Stay disciplined all day and finish the day with success in mind.
Early Bird
Morning rituals are a common trait among the most successful people.
Early risers tend to be more productive. Steve Jobs was said to be an early riser. Richard Branson even wrote a blog about the benefits of getting up early. He usually gets up at 5am – hours before most of the civilisation has woken. High-flyers don’t necessarily have insomnia, but they are disciplined. You can be well ahead of everyone else if you begin working an hour before the rest. You don’t have to start working at that time. Have you ever noticed the peace and tranquility of the world just before sunrise? You can start your day with a peaceful mind by starting it in the quiet tranquility of dawn, when the rest of the planet is still asleep. To start your day positively, you could get up 30 minutes earlier to meditate, exercise, read inspirational material, or do something just for yourself.
Keep Moving
It’s almost a daily ritual to go to the gym. This has many health benefits, including weight loss, improved heart health, and better circulation. Exercise releases feel-good chemicals and improves circulation, which in turn helps the brain function. Good health is not something you can buy. Our organs require well-oxygenated, healthy blood to live longer. You can do a little exercise at home or on your way to work if you haven’t started a fitness routine. If you are unable to run, bike or walk, then park further from your office or take public transport earlier. Try taking a short walk while on a phone call.
Get Mindful
If you do not think that meditation or mindfulness are for you, even a simple act of gratitude can have a positive impact on your productivity and outlook. Spend some time each day thinking about things that you are grateful for. You can also write down good things in a gratitude diary. While you’re focusing on the positive, choose your intention for today. You can either choose a generalisation like “enjoy my day” or an intention specific to achieving certain tasks at the office.
Face your goals
Visualisation can be used to inspire you and motivate you towards your goals. Spend 5 minutes on your goals. Imagine what you hope to achieve in the near future. Make it multi-sensory. When you reach your goals, how will it make you feel? What will you see? What will you hear? Visualisation can help you to achieve your goals by seeing your day unfolding as planned. You will feel more motivated and focused to achieve your goals.
Focus on three tasks in the morning that will help you achieve your goal. Prioritise what is most important and tackle it first. You may dread or dislike the task, but it will get you further. After that, the rest of the day’s tasks are easy.
Just be
If you don’t want to be distracted by work, or even thinking about it, make sure you’re fully present when you are with family and friends. It’s not nice to have a parent, friend or partner who is ‘absent,’ even though they are physically present in the room. You should set aside some time to turn off any distractions, including the TV, phone, laptop or tablet. The life you live will be richer.
Dream Big
You can then sleep “clean” by identifying tomorrow’s top priorities and dumping all of your worries, ideas or to-dos onto paper or a digital planner. You’ve also deposited them in your subconscious, so they can continue to work on them as you sleep. Your brain has processed your dreams and will often bring you new perspectives, understandings, and solutions the next morning.