Holidays and celebrations are for fun. Sometimes it’s a great time to exercise and eat healthily; sometimes, it’s not. Returning to the previous regimen may take several days, weeks, or even months. Therefore, do not be upset, but take action step by step.
Reasons Why It’s So Hard to Keep Exercising After the HolidaysHolidays usually lead to decreased self-discipline – we feel free and have fewer responsibilities and daily worries. The resumption of training is like returning to reality, and at the same time, we desire to extend the vacation as long as possible.
Eating junk food or skipping a workout creates the illusion that we can extend our vacation. In addition, if we enjoy foods and drinks that are not part of our regular menu or eat larger portions than we are used to, we may feel depleted from excess carbohydrates, sugar, sugary drinks, alcohol, and fatty foods. The body and organism are powerless and do not cooperate with the spiritual side – it takes effort to initiate most activities. This makes it even more difficult to return to the training wave; we feel7 tips to help you return to a healthy lifestyle after the holidays.
Act Now – Don’t Hesitate
It’s convenient to stay on the couch and come up with excuses why not going to the gym. Even so convenient that we can stay there for hours, the excuses are endless. A long walk is already a good start – better than doing nothing. If the comfort zone has already been crossed once, the next time, it will be much easier. Why not try the 5-second rule, which means if you’re thinking about going to a workout, count from five to one and get going right away? So there will be no time left in your head to surf the waves of your comfort zone.
Arrange a time and place to practice with a friend.
Sometimes it helps to involve others in our training plans so we feel responsible and want to please everyone. If attending a sports club seems extremely difficult, ask a friend to pick you up before training. After exhausting efforts, you can eat together or cook healthy meals together. In addition to exercise, you can satisfy your social needs this way. Remember to make a new appointment! Plus, exercising together is always more fun. Why not bring not one friend, but several – it’s always more fun in company.
Set a deadline for your first post-holiday workout.
Getting back to a healthy lifestyle right after the holidays can be tricky, and it’s perfectly fine to take a few days off to train, but be sure to set a deadline for your first workout. Don’t put it off too far into the future – the sooner, the better. Your body and mind have long been waiting for energy food. It is best to write this date on paper and attach it, for example, to the refrigerator or bathroom mirror – so you can see it. Chances are, after your workout, you’ll ask yourself, “Why didn’t I start sooner” because you feel so much better. In addition to exercise, we must remember a balanced diet, which affects our well-being, energy levels, and motivation.
The easiest way is not to buy junk food at home; cook as many fruits and vegetables as possible. Proteins are important for muscle recovery and development. Pea and hemp protein are also available, which are great for vegans. Thanks to our products, you can find the motivation and energy to return to your pre-holiday activities. In addition, you will achieve the expected results faster. All our products can be conveniently ordered via the online store at home or by parcel post. You can find a wide selection of proteins HERE.
Self-pity only makes things worse.
After holidays and vacations, we can become depressed, often with shame and guilt that we have lost ourselves. This feeling is especially enhanced when extra pounds appear. By the end of the day, self-flagellation will get us nowhere; we will fall even deeper into the pit of black depression. If you feel negative thoughts are taking over, schedule an outing with music or a podcast. If you need company, call a friend and invite them to a workout or do something fun together.
It is reasonable not to be alone with your experiences at such moments. Remember that we create our reality with our thoughts and actions. We are responsible for our happiness and well-being. It’s convenient to blame others for problems, but that won’t get us one step closer to our desired goals.
goal setting
Setting new goals helps increase motivation. Why not take the holidays as a period of new challenges? It is important here to keep previous results in mind and avoid overloads. Conversely, too high training or nutritional ambitions can be disappointing, as they may not be achieved. It is wise to start training gradually.
The main goal is to become even stronger, healthier, and more energetic than before. Whether it’s a daily 1,000-step increase, a short yoga practice in the morning, or adding weight at the gym. Be sure to write down your goals, so there is a better chance that they will be achieved.
Try something completely new and exciting.
If you lack the motivation to return to your old exercise or diet regimen, think outside the box and try something completely new. Nowadays, there are many different ways to train, for example, trampoline training, aqua aerobics, or why not try dancing the bachata in romantic hot rhythms. In winter, when the snow falls, many ski slopes are all over Estonia, and equipment can be rented on many of them. So – if loneliness seems like something completely new and scary, take a friend or partner. The same goes for food; try new and interesting recipes and flavors.
If you’ve traveled, remember which country’s cuisine you liked the most and look for recipes. Dive into Italian or Japanese cuisine and prepare a delicious dinner for family or friends. If you feelI CONFIT, Diet Whey Protein, and ICONFIT Diet Shake are here to help. These are great products if you want to feel lighter after the holidays and are looking for a meal replacement.
Dietary protein helps replenish protein stores when carbohydrates are low. It contains fiber, which helps keep the stomach fuller and promotes better digestion. The high protein funnel content provides the amino acids (including essential BCAAs) needed for muscle development, and 23 different vitamins and minerals in their composition help to stimulate our body after the holidays. In addition, green tea extract speeds up the fat-burning process. Dietary protein is great for keeping your menu low in carbs. It’s also good to consume at the end of your workout to get the protein you need to build muscle and keep your stomach full for the next few hours.
Diet shake – the amount of carbohydrates in it is higher. The source of carbohydrates there is predominantly Palatine™, an ultra-low glycemic index that provides the body with uninterrupted energy for a long time. Studies show that it even promotes weight loss. Don’t be afraid to have a moderate amount of carbs in your diet; it’s essential for energy. Diet shake keeps your stomach full! Like Diet Protein, Diet Shake is also high in fiber, green tea extract, and 23 minerals and vitamins.
Remember how good it was to play sports?
Exercise increases the levels of endorphins, or happiness hormones, in the body. They act on the body like a drug, so it will be easy to find the time, desire, and opportunity to go to training next time. Remember how you felt after your workout. You must have felt that you did something useful for yourself. We also feel that we have more energy and feel lighter after eating healthy food. Wholesome nutrition provides our body with essential nutrients and minerals. If you feel like you need more of what you need and need extra support to replenish your New Year’s supplies, you’ll find CREA Shortcut Complex in our combination products.
BCAA 2:1:1, creatine, vitamins, minerals, and fast and slow carbohydrates for energy. We also have a selection of ICONFIT BCAA 2:1:1 – Amino Acid Complex featuring BCAA branched-chain amino acids including L-Leucine (2 parts), L-Isoleucine (1 part) and L-Valine (1 part). The body does not produce these essential amino acids, which must be obtained from food. ICONFIT BCAA 2:1:1 is the best and purest source of concentrated amino acids.
Amino acids build muscle, cause chemical reactions in the body, transport nutrients, prevent disease, and perform other functions. A lack of amino acids can cause various health problems, such as low immunity, depression, or digestive problems. These two products are the complete package to start training and develop physical strength and additional energy.